Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ball maintenance

So, my balls have periodically been hurting since Monday. Last night my left one decided to idle at a constant annoyance, so I decided to take initiative. Allow me to summarize today's events:

Robby calls student health clinic
ME: Listen here, bitch. Somethin' ain't right with my junk.
REC: Eleven o'clock?
ME: No. Two.
REC: Aight.
Robby goes to the clinic
REC: Fill this shit out.
ME: Word.
Robby fills out a form and is summoned by the nurse. Robby waits. Doctor busts the fuck in.
DOCTOR: Let me feel that junk. Piss in this.
ME: No doubt.
DOC: Ain't nothin' wrong witch yo ass. Get up outta here.

They told me to wear a jock strap, take Ibuprofen, and get "testicular rest." I think that equates to watching season six of The Sopranos all at once.

Possible causes of this ailment:
  • Too many push-ups
  • A dog ran up to me and punched me in the balls last Sunday. I caught balls-rabies AKA lockballs
  • I am getting a kidney stone, thus inheriting undesirable trait #2 from my father
  • I am gay and my body is retaliating against Ashley
  • I have been standing too close to the microwave
  • Aliens

Ravi struck at 17:36


Or the development of a new super power! "Hold up, baby, my testicle sense is tingling! The criminals are near!" You just have to decide between the alter egos Dr. Testiclese and SeƱor Juevos...

Blogger Ty @ 10.4.08

try and figure out the throb of the testicular morse code... hint: it's a message from seth wooldrige about how jealous he is that your balls are receiving proper attention...

Blogger Petros @ 10.4.08

i don't want to read about your balls... jesus christ

Blogger sirueth @ 10.4.08

ahahahahaha gilby
this shit makes me laugh

Blogger signe @ 13.4.08

first of all ... i agree with siri.
second ... just be glad you don't have LADIES.

Blogger laurax @ 14.4.08

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