Wednesday, March 19, 2008
I had a werewolf dream last night. Contrary to popular belief, it would not be all that bad to be a werewolf, according to a new study conducted by my brain:
- I was working in Burge. I was not doing food service, though. I was sitting in the lobby monitoring a little TV screen, and this was my job. I even clocked in for it. On the TV screen was some kind of news program about this man putting a bomb in one of the Burge dorm rooms.
- While feeling great relief I left "work" 40 minutes after my sheduled time.
- I walked across an expansive plane area for awhile and came to a hill where everyone was congregated. There was a little tree there and this whole area looked a lot like where that dude finds that bag of money in No Country for Old Men. On this hill everyone (probably a couple dozen people) was told to run to the house in the distance and find a hiding place. We were informed that if we failed to hide ourselves properly the werewolves would find us. With that, we cheezed it.
- I was one of the last ones to get into the house, so all of the hiding places were taken. Reid was there and he turned into a cat and left... so I guess he got away alright.
- While I was frantically looking for a place to hide one of the female werewolves entered the house. She was still in human mode, and kind of foxy. She was actually quite friendly. I remember:
WEREWOLF: All taken, eh?
ME: Yeah, I guess. So, you are going to, like, Thriller rip me apart, or what?
WERE WOLF: Why, no! All it takes is a little scratch. Here.
The werewolf took my arm and just knicked it a little with her fake, red fingernail.
- I then started turning into a werewolf. It didn't hurt at all. It didn't take very long, either. I look pretty awesome as a werewolf, let me tell you. I started doing this thing were I was still in control of myself, but my perspective was in third person. I could change the angle of the "camera" just like in Grand Theft Auto. That was pretty trippy.
- I ended up in this huge mansion place, where my job was now to hunt the foolish humans that chose to venture inside. You see, the first floor was a movie theatre. They could be down there all they wanted, but if they came upstairs...
So, dream analysis: this dream has been a result of three things: Getting a new job, recently working out to Chromeo, and and being around Ashley.
This dream has two obvious job components, the first taking place where I now work. I don't know what feeding on foolish humans has in common with painting, however.
Yes, I have recently been working out to Chromeo. But, define "work out," right? A lot of double-time sock poi and some push-ups (which kind of hurt my wrists). I go until I can feel that shitty muscle fatigue feeling, then I just dance to Chromeo, then I repeat the cycle as many times as I deem fit. Is this "working out?" If you're me, yes. Why am I working out? It would serve me well to be able to lift more things. Anyway, werewolves experience a lot of physical change. I doubt these work out sessions will stretch into next week, but perhaps the werewolf thing will serve as motivation.
What has Ashley got to do with this scene? Well, if it wasn't for her there is no way I would have recently seen Beauty and the Beast. In this dream I change into a beast and I guard part of a mansion. That is a BLATANT reference to B 'n B. That, and we usually like to spend our full moons together, feasting on foolish humans.
Ravi struck at 12:48