Monday, April 14, 2008

Add sheet!

I just made two important phone calls concerning job opportunities.  The first was for a position called Trail Trekkers Head Instructor.  This is where I would take junior high kids on expeditions and field trips.  I hope I get that one.  I would even get Fridays off.  The second, however, is something that I have never hoped harder for.  A brief job description:
  • Arrive at hospital
  • Smoke huge joint
  • Chill for 24 hours
  • Help decriminalize marijuana by taking tests
  • Get $600
I do wonder if I would be able to provide my own entertainment for those 24 hours.  Seriously, if I could get paid to blaze it up and write some songs while fighting the good fight?  Oh, mama.

Ravi struck at 16:13


ganja babe, my sweet ganja babe, I love the way you love me and the way you misbehave...

Blogger Petros @ 14.4.08

i read about that in the paper, "Wanted: Pot Smokers" was the title... hahaha i hope you get the job

Blogger sirueth @ 14.4.08

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