Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Oh, the times, they are a-changin'
Get this: The flooding in Iowa City is supposed to exceed that of 1993. Ryan and I just ran into this guy taking elevation measurements. He said the bridges might be underwater by tomorrow. Part of Dubuque St. (the North entrance to Iowa City) is totally underwater. There are sandbag dykes all over the place. It's also possible, I hear, that one of the bridges will give way and take out all the other ones. If that happens, I better be there to see it. That'd be awesome. Not 'good' awesome, you know, awe-inspiring.
I want to die via apocalyptic tidal wave. You'd know you're going down, but at the same time you'd be all, "Whoa, dude. Check that out... I'm not even going to feel this. Holy shit, look at that! Whoooooaa!" Just think about what that would look like. It would be the most horrifying/visually stunning/sweetest thing you'd ever see. I also like the idea of mankind being erased from existence. Equilibrium, son. One of my fantasies is to barely survive a disaster. Like, almost fall into the center of the Earth during an earthquake. Or outrun a tornado. Or survive a nuclear blast. Or become a member of the rebel squadron when China takes over the world.
Anyone that doesn't read BoingBoing should start. Go head, put it in your brain.
Ravi struck at 17:31