Thursday, May 08, 2008
Ich ben ein Berliner!
I really like watching animals behave. A lot. Yesterday I observed two ducks chillin' in somebody's driveway. They didn't care if someone walked within a few feet of them as long as that person was on their way somewhere else. But when I stopped and looked at them they seemed a little self-conscious. I'd get close to them and they would walk away. They wouldn't run, just keep a few feet between us. They'd honk quietly so as to say, "Dude, quit it. What do you want? You're buggin' me, man."
I got up at 4:00 this morning after sleeping for nearly ten hours by accident (mostly). That felt strange.
I really need to learn how to put eye drops in my own eyes. I have to have Ashley do it for me. I don't know, man, I just can't do it. It's, like, gonna hit my eye ball and it freaks me out.
I still have this spot under my chin that is just as innocent as it was the day I was born. I don't think hair will ever grow there. I saw a guy with this same characteristic the other day. I thought, "Right on, brother. Wear the chin strap proudly." I do, however, have one chest hair. I don't know how long it's been there, but it complements my moles quite nicely.
My girlfriend is going to Serbia for two months. I can only hope that she is not seduced by some mysterious Serbian prince. I'm mysterious, but I'm no Serb. And I'm only a duke.
Ravi struck at 14:46