Monday, April 28, 2008

This whole world is God's

Boy, what a weekend.  I took Ashley back to FC to meet the fam and they think she is the shiz.  The theme for our visit was Reid's confirmation.  Seeing as lists are the hot new trend I thought I'd have a go at it.
  • I don't know where Immanuel Lutheran is getting its pastors now days, but they need to get more excited about the good news.  I'm not buying it.
  • My grandma's banana desert still delightfully kicks my ass.
  • I love these pictures.  Notice Reid's utter indifference.

Team Adam's Apple

"What's the score of the Cubs game?"
  • My post-confirmation garb was nowhere near that psychedelic.
  • Reid got a cell phone.  If anyone would like his number so you could not really get him to say much, I'll hook you up.
  • My old house is for sale.  I might try to get up in that B for old times' sake.  I doubt I'll manage to skeet in every room and closet this time around, however.
  • I finished The Sopranos at 8:00 this morning.  It had such a happy ending.  Lame.
  • I got rejected for that Trail Trekkers job.  I might need a spot in your study, Peter.
  • We've got an extremely high hobo factor.  I like it.
  • You know what?  Fuck parsley.

Ravi struck at 14:36


I think your brother is unstuck in time...I swear he seemed older than that when I last saw him...

Blogger Ty @ 28.4.08

uH! cause des garçons! doo doo dooo doo doo doot, tecktonik bitches! i am going to come back a dancin' machine, it will blow your mind. "Courts of appeals do not determine guilt or innocence."

Blogger sirueth @ 29.4.08

i want reid's number!!! hahahhahaha...
i bet he thinks i am the creepiest bitch ever. yessssssssssss!
oh gilbs. you crack me up.

Blogger signe @ 2.5.08

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