Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Bada Bing!

Hey, kids!

I consumed an energy drink about an hour ago and I am still vibrating a little bit.  I thought I would take this opportunity to share with you a little irony.  Slipknot, our former idols, and one of their side-projects will be occupying the recording studio we were to use for the first actual Capes of Lead e.p.  for the next three (probably more) months.  We used to shit for these guys and now we would rather they just left.  We've got other options and it will still get done, but still quite a turn of events.  

I have a bunch of songs I need to finish.  They will melt your face.

Ravi struck at 22:40


For the love of Grod, how I've been looking forward to a good face melting!

Blogger Ty @ 7.2.08

what nerve! I want my Capes of Lead EP!

Blogger Petros @ 8.2.08

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