Monday, April 17, 2006


Yeah, so, the whole album can be pirated now (some of it is sheer fucking genious).
I do plan to get a real copy when it comes out,
but I would never pass up a chance to finally have it.

Ravi struck at 17:12


rocks my socks off... definitely rocks.. my.. socks off.

Anonymous Anonymous @ 19.4.06

Hey cock sock,
Have you a clue when free camping actually is? Okay so this summer do you want to venture to summerfest again?


Anonymous Anonymous @ 20.4.06

so i am listening to panjabi mc and i am happy because of it ... i wanna dance

Blogger sirueth @ 20.4.06

You are so welcome, I try to make time for sending eagle cards now and then...Hope Prom Rocks your face off...what are you wearing this year?

Anonymous Anonymous @ 22.4.06

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