Monday, April 03, 2006

Right here, man... Right here...

Today I overheard a statement which is highly offensive to nerds everywhere. I actually cringed a little when I heard it. In response to this person's thoughts on The Matrix she said, "That movie was almost as bad as The Lord of the Rings." And this is coming from someone who prefers The Fast and the Furious over both of these films. Ouch! I mean, that one really hurt. On the other hand, I will never see this person ever again starting May 21st.

*She likes Rush Hour as well

Ravi struck at 17:24



Anonymous Anonymous @ 4.4.06

Dude, I almost agree with you full-heartedly, but come on, Rush Hour? It has Jakie Chan! And that Chris Tucker is a ¨silly bitch¨.

Anonymous Anonymous @ 5.4.06

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