Sunday, April 16, 2006

There must be others somewhere...

Last Saturday, Siri and I watched the Naaf Showuntil the others were asleep, and continued to do so for probably just aslong. I am pretty sure Siri and I are the only two people around here (notincluding Winnebago employees) who watch that horrible show on a semi-regularbasis and still laugh at it with the same intensity every time. I mean, Iknow others enjoy watching the Naaf Show but they have not made plans to watch it aloneas Siri and I have both been known to do. I would recommend that everyonetry it, however. You should experience the realization that you are laughingout loud at two hicks trying to sell huge quantities of knives.

The hottest new music sensation
(Musical holocaust/Anti-religious fury)

Ravi struck at 18:59