Thursday, April 19, 2007

There will be plenty of glass in 27,000 AD

7th grade Robby: "I'll never need to smoke marijuana, I get silly enough as it is."

8th grade Robby: "If marijuana were legal, I'd try it once."

9th grade Robby: "I'm never going to smoke cigarettes because there are no benefits. At least marijuana does something, so I can understand why people would smoke it. This text book makes me want to take acid, but I doubt that will ever happen."

10th grade Robby: "I wish marijuana was legal."

11th grade Robby: "I wish I knew someone who smoked marijuana so I could try it."

almost 12th grade Robby: "I enjoy marijuana."

12th grade Robby: "I need to quit smoking marijuana... Oh my god, I'm turning into an alcoholic."

graduated Robby: "I love marijuana."

Waldorf Robby: "This is making me want a cigarette."

winter break Robby: "Tripping is that easy?"

Waldorf Robby II: "This is really making me want a cigarette."

current Robby: "RENN FAYRE!!!"

Ravi struck at 15:45