Sunday, May 13, 2007
Damn it, Jesus!
Capes of Lead have been included (for approximately one second) toward the end of the new BOTF promo video. No, I am not gloating. I watched it, and it makes me feel slightly awkward. The song playing in the background goes, "You got me and Jesus." Who pops up in sync with the word, "Jesus?" That would be us. Maybe it's a sign. I never thought I would be in something so blatantly Christian . Sure, we knew what we were doing when we agreed to participate in BOTF, but this video... I mean, you can't even see our faces, but we're in it. They picked the most cringe-worthy songs to back this thing... If you feel like getting grossed out, get pumped for Bash '07.
If you want to come watch us have nothing to do with Jesus, swing on by Iowa City on the 26th. Should be fun.
If you want to come watch us have nothing to do with Jesus, swing on by Iowa City on the 26th. Should be fun.
Ravi struck at 01:16