Wednesday, February 28, 2007
I hate babies
I just had one of the craziest carried-over-from-one-sleep-to-the-next dreams I have had in a long time.
Noah Parks, Sarah, and I were sitting around in my dorm room. Sarah gave us cookies baked with some psychedelic substance I had never heard of (one that I completely made up) and told us that we could not put anything else in our lungs that day. Mine was stamped with the old Nintendo logo but instead of Nintendo it said, "Dragonforce." After a couple of those I was stumbling around the room and I kept falling over and I eventually stayed down.
I woke up and went back to sleep.
I found myself in my old garage, this time only with Noah Parks. Sarah had told us earlier to meet her in the Lewellen's basement for something. We went over and noticed that there were screaming babies and running lawnmowers in the Methodist parking lot so we quickly retreated. When we got back to my old garage David and Daniel were in it. Almost immediately, I started arguing with them about how little I care about Cory's new car. Sarah reappeared out of nowhere and asked Noah and I why we did not go to the meeting. We told her,
"We saw babies and lawnmowers, so we quickly got out of there." She didn't seem to care very much.
I woke up and went back to sleep.
I found myself (I am not sure If I was on foot or in a vehicle) in a completely frozen, overcrowded, and greatly expanded Best Buy parking lot. I spent what seemed like a very long time trying to get out of it. There were people everywhere just standing or wandering. Furniture and huge cabinets were being piled all over the place. When I finally got out of there I was magically transported to the lot I park my car in now, down by the field house. As I was getting out I found my wool socks (which I was looking for in real life).
It was then 2:00 in the afternoon and I found myself in front of the Lewellen residence once again. I looked down and right underneath the door was a half finished Snickers bar (which I had apparently left there a previous day) and ate it. Once I got inside I noticed an office chair, so I put it outside next to Mike's bike. As soon as I stepped into the living room I heard the door open, but much to my surprise it was Sarah and a man I had never seen. He had very dark, black hair and intensely red lips; very much like a Guess Who? character. They brought in two huge cases (they actually looked like amps) full of bondage equipment.
I was then flashed into not-present-just-an-onlooking-entity mode. I saw a woman (some new person who didn't enter the house while I was there) dressed in all kinds of S&M leather hanging in a really awkward way from the ceiling of the dining area. She was, however, totally loving it. She even said so, not to mention her vagina was moving in a very, very, very strange manner; a good thing, right?
For the last act Sarah, Guess Who? guy, and I were in the upstairs part of my old house. Guess Who? dude was naked, sitting in a chair between my room and my dad's room, and smoking a BIG Pall Mall cigarette, Sarah was just outside of Reid's room dressed in S&M leather, I was standing in the bathroom, and the crazy bondage rig was again hanging from the ceiling. Somehow only half an hour had passed since I entered the Lewellen house. I said to the two of them, "Look. We've got two hours until my dad comes home and we need to move this stuff." They looked at each other and Sarah gave me some ridiculous explanation involving a lot of numbers, saying why we couldn't move the stuff to her apartment. I went over to Guess Who? man and said,
"You wanna put that out, man?"
"I suppose I could do that for a friend." I took the Pall Mall from him and put it out in the bathroom trash can.
[Insert memory lapse here]
The two of them were in my dad's room throwing all his clothes out of his dresser. I was distraught.
"What are you doing?!" Sarah calmly looked at me.
"Looking for change."
"I have a change jar in my dorm room."
"Put everything back the way you found it. Have you guys eaten yet?"
I woke up. The end.
I realized one thing: I have not once dreamed about my new house, only my dorm room and my old house. And Sarah, I unconsciously discovered that you are a dominatrix in secret. You might as well be open about it now, sorry if I ruined your double-life.
Noah Parks, Sarah, and I were sitting around in my dorm room. Sarah gave us cookies baked with some psychedelic substance I had never heard of (one that I completely made up) and told us that we could not put anything else in our lungs that day. Mine was stamped with the old Nintendo logo but instead of Nintendo it said, "Dragonforce." After a couple of those I was stumbling around the room and I kept falling over and I eventually stayed down.
I woke up and went back to sleep.
I found myself in my old garage, this time only with Noah Parks. Sarah had told us earlier to meet her in the Lewellen's basement for something. We went over and noticed that there were screaming babies and running lawnmowers in the Methodist parking lot so we quickly retreated. When we got back to my old garage David and Daniel were in it. Almost immediately, I started arguing with them about how little I care about Cory's new car. Sarah reappeared out of nowhere and asked Noah and I why we did not go to the meeting. We told her,
"We saw babies and lawnmowers, so we quickly got out of there." She didn't seem to care very much.
I woke up and went back to sleep.
I found myself (I am not sure If I was on foot or in a vehicle) in a completely frozen, overcrowded, and greatly expanded Best Buy parking lot. I spent what seemed like a very long time trying to get out of it. There were people everywhere just standing or wandering. Furniture and huge cabinets were being piled all over the place. When I finally got out of there I was magically transported to the lot I park my car in now, down by the field house. As I was getting out I found my wool socks (which I was looking for in real life).
It was then 2:00 in the afternoon and I found myself in front of the Lewellen residence once again. I looked down and right underneath the door was a half finished Snickers bar (which I had apparently left there a previous day) and ate it. Once I got inside I noticed an office chair, so I put it outside next to Mike's bike. As soon as I stepped into the living room I heard the door open, but much to my surprise it was Sarah and a man I had never seen. He had very dark, black hair and intensely red lips; very much like a Guess Who? character. They brought in two huge cases (they actually looked like amps) full of bondage equipment.
I was then flashed into not-present-just-an-onlooking-entity mode. I saw a woman (some new person who didn't enter the house while I was there) dressed in all kinds of S&M leather hanging in a really awkward way from the ceiling of the dining area. She was, however, totally loving it. She even said so, not to mention her vagina was moving in a very, very, very strange manner; a good thing, right?
For the last act Sarah, Guess Who? guy, and I were in the upstairs part of my old house. Guess Who? dude was naked, sitting in a chair between my room and my dad's room, and smoking a BIG Pall Mall cigarette, Sarah was just outside of Reid's room dressed in S&M leather, I was standing in the bathroom, and the crazy bondage rig was again hanging from the ceiling. Somehow only half an hour had passed since I entered the Lewellen house. I said to the two of them, "Look. We've got two hours until my dad comes home and we need to move this stuff." They looked at each other and Sarah gave me some ridiculous explanation involving a lot of numbers, saying why we couldn't move the stuff to her apartment. I went over to Guess Who? man and said,
"You wanna put that out, man?"
"I suppose I could do that for a friend." I took the Pall Mall from him and put it out in the bathroom trash can.
[Insert memory lapse here]
The two of them were in my dad's room throwing all his clothes out of his dresser. I was distraught.
"What are you doing?!" Sarah calmly looked at me.
"Looking for change."
"I have a change jar in my dorm room."
"Put everything back the way you found it. Have you guys eaten yet?"
I woke up. The end.
I realized one thing: I have not once dreamed about my new house, only my dorm room and my old house. And Sarah, I unconsciously discovered that you are a dominatrix in secret. You might as well be open about it now, sorry if I ruined your double-life.
Ravi struck at 17:29