Wednesday, January 17, 2007
I didn't forget about you, 2007... Oh, no...
First, a very happy new year... For me, if no one else. My resolution, which I cannot take credit for formulating, and was not officially a resolution until the night before, was fulfilled at 10:00 a.m. on New Year's Day: Take LSD. It was a fantastic experience which was only enhanced by Eric's superior babysitting methods. I recommend such an adventure (an Eric required, preferably with a huge fuzzy hat) to all of you. A lot. Very much.
So, after a pre-bedtime email sweep I have officially been notified that everything is back to normal: All my college friends have finally dispersed, with the exception of my roommate and one Mason City resident, of course. This year was a very different one due to the fact that my Southern/Western posse trickled away gradually. It was practically a count down to my settling back in here at the home of the Warriors.
This semester, however, will be a fast one. My classes are fucking easy as shit, I will be seeing Mastodon and Of Montreal, Mark Newcom can't tell me what to, I will play Vampire: The Masquerade on a semi-regular basis, and the day my time at Waldorf comes to an end (unless something truly tragic happens, in which case I may never recover completely) I will be shipped out to Portland in a euphoric state only to be increased ten-fold (at least) upon arrival. For the first time a very long span, I am looking fully ahead and barely noticing what is happening right now. It pretty much rules.
So, after a pre-bedtime email sweep I have officially been notified that everything is back to normal: All my college friends have finally dispersed, with the exception of my roommate and one Mason City resident, of course. This year was a very different one due to the fact that my Southern/Western posse trickled away gradually. It was practically a count down to my settling back in here at the home of the Warriors.
This semester, however, will be a fast one. My classes are fucking easy as shit, I will be seeing Mastodon and Of Montreal, Mark Newcom can't tell me what to, I will play Vampire: The Masquerade on a semi-regular basis, and the day my time at Waldorf comes to an end (unless something truly tragic happens, in which case I may never recover completely) I will be shipped out to Portland in a euphoric state only to be increased ten-fold (at least) upon arrival. For the first time a very long span, I am looking fully ahead and barely noticing what is happening right now. It pretty much rules.
To all you playa haters of the Bible out there, your chance to shine draws nigh.
Ravi struck at 01:42