Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I fuckin' hate this shit!

Get this... I am sitting here with my door open and I hear some guy talking about how many papers he has to write. I hear, "I fuckin' hate this shit!" followed by the sound of shattering glass. I look back and the window of the study room has a huge hole in it. While the RA's were cleaning it up they were talking about a drunk wrestler who did the same thing last year. I go to school with idiots. A lot of them.

Ravi struck at 21:53


come here! come here @ semester! Come here for Renn Fayre... You are greatly missed... that in combination with the pity that i feel for you regarding your mongoloid neighbors and the poor quality of any hook-upage...
Remember that day that we looked at those high times finalists...? well, i'm getting together with them on a regular basis and would love to have you along... take it easy bro

Blogger Petros @ 6.9.06

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