Sunday, August 20, 2006

O.K., get this...

  1. Some of you have been dying for a recording of The Sabbath Day.
  2. I have decided that whenever I use my name on the internet or for informal writing, it will be "Ravi" instead of my real name. Why? I dig it.
  3. Feel free to call me "Ravi" in person.
  4. I just received an e-mail from Ebony Singles... Again...

Ravi struck at 18:33



ebony singles


Blogger sirueth @ 27.8.06

Oh boy did that brighten my day. The patch it up p p p part is fantastic and slightly homoerotically creepy. Thank you sir, thank you. Send my regards to Reid as well.

P.S. Come be at my school.

Blogger erongicong @ 29.8.06

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