Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Everyone should have the Stumble feature
Ravi struck at 23:29
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Blast from the past
Last night I saw:
Social Burn is boring as all hell.
The vocalist of Nonpoint is a douchebag. He is right up there with Fred Durst. He said stupid things. "Put your motherfuckin' guns in the air," "Throw your fuckin' fingers in the air," "I wanna see this whole place turn into one big fuckin' pit." He once yelled at the crowd, "When I say 'Fuck' you say 'That'! Fuck! (That!) Fuck! (That!)" This was when I laughed the hardest.
Sevendust was pretty bitchin'. Their intro thing they played over the PA before their entrance was Country Boy Can't Survive. It was hilarious. There is something about all the different ways they play "DUN DUN DUN DUNDUNDUNDUN" all with the same note... For some reason it rocks... It was really hard and really loud, so I kind of dug it. For their encore, they came out and played the beginning of Voodoo Child and went strait into one of their ridiculously low and heavy songs right after "I stand up next to a mountain." I laughed for a really long time.
The whole experience was fun. Seeing kids in Slipknot shirts reminded me of myself about five years ago. I hadn't been to a metal concert since 8th grade. It was nice to visit my roots and watch all the meat heads beat the shit out of each other.
- Wicked Wisdom
- Social Burn
- Nonpoint
- Sevendust
Social Burn is boring as all hell.
The vocalist of Nonpoint is a douchebag. He is right up there with Fred Durst. He said stupid things. "Put your motherfuckin' guns in the air," "Throw your fuckin' fingers in the air," "I wanna see this whole place turn into one big fuckin' pit." He once yelled at the crowd, "When I say 'Fuck' you say 'That'! Fuck! (That!) Fuck! (That!)" This was when I laughed the hardest.
Sevendust was pretty bitchin'. Their intro thing they played over the PA before their entrance was Country Boy Can't Survive. It was hilarious. There is something about all the different ways they play "DUN DUN DUN DUNDUNDUNDUN" all with the same note... For some reason it rocks... It was really hard and really loud, so I kind of dug it. For their encore, they came out and played the beginning of Voodoo Child and went strait into one of their ridiculously low and heavy songs right after "I stand up next to a mountain." I laughed for a really long time.
The whole experience was fun. Seeing kids in Slipknot shirts reminded me of myself about five years ago. I hadn't been to a metal concert since 8th grade. It was nice to visit my roots and watch all the meat heads beat the shit out of each other.
Ravi struck at 17:28
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Don'ts of heating up M&M's
Do not put M&M's in the microwave for any longer than 15 seconds. If M&M's are burned, they wreak*. And, of course, they all stick together and form one big burning ball of chocolate stinky.
I feel that I would be doing an injustice by failing to inform you of the following:
It may seem like a good idea to throw some M&M's in with the coffee in your filter as you are about to make a batch of joe. DON'T DO IT. The following things will happen:
*Not "Wreak," as in "To inflict damage." I meant "Reek."
It may seem like a good idea to throw some M&M's in with the coffee in your filter as you are about to make a batch of joe. DON'T DO IT. The following things will happen:
- The melted M&M's will clog the shit out of the coffee maker. You will experience serious backup and will have to remove the filter with a team of forks and spoons.
- Since the chocolate didn't get melted enough, only the candy coating part has seeped its way into your java.
- The coffee itself will resemble a very thick au jus. The melted candy coating will look like the bubbles of oil or fat that you would find in a pool of chicken grease.
- If you let it sit for long enough, white hunks of mystery will start floating to the top (I can only assume this is the cooling candy coating)
- If you let it sit for even longer, a huge chunk of white will surface. If you chewed up some crackers and spit it into the coffee, it would look pretty damn close to whatever this substance was. I mean, there wasn't enough candy coating to spawn such an offensive berg. Where did it come from?!
- You will be grossed out.
*Not "Wreak," as in "To inflict damage." I meant "Reek."
Ravi struck at 01:38
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Technology gives me lemons...
You know, just because I can't record right now doesn't mean I can't post anymore. I might as well start using this for personal bloggage. I would hate to have this sweet lookin' blog go to waste. And besides, I doubt even five people pay attention to this thing. Sparks will surely make a comeback some day, however. It's only a matter of when I get a new computer and how busy I will be with Capes Of Lead (hopefully a fucking lot).
Ravi struck at 13:49
Monday, March 06, 2006
All good things come to an end whether they are finished or not
I regret to inform myself most of all that the hunk of pure shit that passes of as a computer used as my means of recording everything I do has crashed and died. I had several unfinished projects on it. I hate myself with a passion for not backing any of them up with my malfunctioning flash drive or dying iPod (I'll get into that later).
If I cannot somehow obtain a laptop from Waldorf, I am afraid my Sparks will be absent until at least August. Unless I can find another way, which I highly doubt.
(I fixed my flash drive... but everything else still sucks)
- Back In Black cover
- Holy Diver cover
- Daytona 7,000,000
- Black Sails (I'm really pissed about that one, as it was the version I had to completely start over and got even further with).
- a collection of noise with a subliminal message in Morse Code
If I cannot somehow obtain a laptop from Waldorf, I am afraid my Sparks will be absent until at least August. Unless I can find another way, which I highly doubt.
(I fixed my flash drive... but everything else still sucks)
Ravi struck at 23:42
Sunday, March 05, 2006
COL on Blogger
Capes Of Lead are on Blogger as a temporary place for news. So quit asking me about them!
Ravi struck at 16:49
Friday, March 03, 2006
Capes Of Lead
Upon Noah's return, our band, the late Human Machine, will be playing under our new and final name. We're seriously not changing it this time. We are Capes Of Lead.
We have appointed Titfuck as our webmaster, or as we are calling it, master of our domain.
Capes Of Lead are freshly on Myspace, soon to be on Purevolume.
We have appointed Titfuck as our webmaster, or as we are calling it, master of our domain.
Capes Of Lead are freshly on Myspace, soon to be on Purevolume.