Saturday, April 21, 2007

Joe Rogan knows

If I had it my way Gandalf would be present every time I woke up. He'd say "So it begins," while looking out the window. Then he would give me the weather forecast and pick out my clothes. Then he would sell me some Old Toby for way cheap. Then he would make that sweet whistling sound and summon Shadowfax. Then he would tell me a new joke and ride away immediately after the punchline. If I had it my way I'd have an amazing hook up and I'd have all the best jokes. Whenever I told the jokes people would be like, "Oh, man! Where did you hear that?!" and I could be all, "Dude, Gandalf."

Wouldn't it be hilarious if there was just one moment of product placement in The Lord of the Rings trilogy? Like, if Elrond just snapped open a Coke? -A Noah Eggebraaten thought

I know I promised a few people the link to the relidge blog, but after seeing it I didn't think it was really worth unleashing. However, the latest post is about what you think heaven is. I'm thinking now is the time for whoever would like to give some insight. Have at it.

Ravi struck at 18:48

Thursday, April 19, 2007

There will be plenty of glass in 27,000 AD

7th grade Robby: "I'll never need to smoke marijuana, I get silly enough as it is."

8th grade Robby: "If marijuana were legal, I'd try it once."

9th grade Robby: "I'm never going to smoke cigarettes because there are no benefits. At least marijuana does something, so I can understand why people would smoke it. This text book makes me want to take acid, but I doubt that will ever happen."

10th grade Robby: "I wish marijuana was legal."

11th grade Robby: "I wish I knew someone who smoked marijuana so I could try it."

almost 12th grade Robby: "I enjoy marijuana."

12th grade Robby: "I need to quit smoking marijuana... Oh my god, I'm turning into an alcoholic."

graduated Robby: "I love marijuana."

Waldorf Robby: "This is making me want a cigarette."

winter break Robby: "Tripping is that easy?"

Waldorf Robby II: "This is really making me want a cigarette."

current Robby: "RENN FAYRE!!!"

Ravi struck at 15:45

Friday, April 06, 2007

It's just so blahzey!

I just decided, after yet again noticing that thing Sarah taped to my wall, that I need to cover this room entirely. There is nothing to look at in here except pictures of myself. So, get this: Anyone wanting to contribute something to my wall is encouraged to do so. Really, anything that can be attached to my wall that you think would make good wallpaper. I'll take it.

Ravi struck at 15:32

Thursday, April 05, 2007

The first couple are okay, then it goes downhill, then uphill

I had a dream last night in which Ken Baker said to me, "Ya gotta love that chronic." He was wearing huge sunglasses and a state trooper hat. I laughed out loud when I woke up. I was still slightly drunk at the time. Our room smells like a can/bottle redemption center.

Ravi struck at 15:50