Sunday, August 20, 2006

O.K., get this...

  1. Some of you have been dying for a recording of The Sabbath Day.
  2. I have decided that whenever I use my name on the internet or for informal writing, it will be "Ravi" instead of my real name. Why? I dig it.
  3. Feel free to call me "Ravi" in person.
  4. I just received an e-mail from Ebony Singles... Again...

Ravi struck at 18:33

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Get drunk instead...

I recently resorted to Robo-tripping. I never thought I'd do it, but I did. I do not regret it at all, but I also do not want to do it ever again. By the time I get desperate enough to want to Robo-trip again I'll be able to buy alcohol. Anyway, I will go over the main points of the evening:

  • Consumption of Vicks 44... Not as bad as I thought it was going to be.
  • My feet melted together into a heavy solid block which I could not move.
From this point on, I highly doubt it is chronological... You understand...
  • While sitting by a fire space stretched, bent, slowed down, and sped up
  • Did a whip it... I existed completely within my own mind and flailed around. I was later told that I showed no movement or expression on the outside.
  • While vomiting I did a strange dance
  • While walking I inhaled and the world stopped entirely
  • Stayed in the bathroom for half an hour. I just sat on the floor and tripped balls.
They say it's a dissociative. I was most definitely dissociated. It was a good experience to have under my belt, but I do not endorse it... At all...

Ravi struck at 19:40

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Ravi struck at 23:40

I hate cowboys

America + Patriots + Jesus + Idiots + Alcohol + Stupid hats

I'm talking about pop country... You know, Big and Rich and Trick Pony and shit...

Ravi struck at 16:25