Thursday, December 18, 2008

Our town has Winnebago

To anyone affiliated:

Bonus Track lives. They (Robby, Noah, Daniel) have recently recorded a hot new track entitled, "Ponga la Verga." This is their first attempt at non-English composition. They are in the process of writing another hit whose working title is, "Girl, I want yo dick." These two songs seem to be the beginnings of, perhaps, a concept album. Rumor has it they are revisiting their roots as Hypothetical Penis.

"We are the best band ever. We rule and we're never gonna die. I love us!"

Ravi struck at 09:18

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Story of my life...

I get to the YouTube home page today and this is the first thing I see:

Story of my life, man.

Ravi struck at 15:38

Tuesday, December 02, 2008


Procrastination is a baffling thing. When one knows that one must complete a task no matter what, why does one wait? Why would one not simply finish what one has set out to do so that one might go watch Jurrasic Park III? Procrastination comes in many forms. One of the worst is YouTube. In the last hour I have somehow gotten to this:

Personally, I sympathize with this guy. He got suspended for 10 days for calling one of his black students "nigga." Not "nigger," he says, but "nigga." He is desperately trying to explain what the difference is. Perhaps if he were more linguistically/anthropologically inclined he would have an easier time conveying his thoughts.

Ravi struck at 20:53